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​​​​​​​Support for the Just Transition Mechanism 

​​​​​​​Support for the Just Transition Mechanism 
Željko Reiner et David Maria Sassoli
Croatian Parliament Deputy Speaker Željko Reiner and Speaker of the European Parliament David Maria Sassoli

European Parliament, Brussels – Croatian Parliament Deputy Speaker Željko Reiner participates at the Inter-parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union, held at the European Parliament as part of the European Parliamentary Week. 

As part of the parliamentary dimension of the Croatian EU Council Presidency, the Croatian Parliament, together with the European Parliament, co-organises this year’s European Parliamentary Week, consisting of the European Semester Conference and the Inter-parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union and interparliamentary meetings of committees responsible for economic and fiscal affairs, finances, employment and social affairs. 

At the Inter-parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union, Deputy Speaker Željko Reiner made his introductory remarks on the topic “Becoming a global leader in combating climate change: What role for EU economic, budgetary and social policies?” 

In his address, Deputy Speaker Reiner stressed that climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face today and that the European Union, with 10% of global CO2 emissions, has a responsibility to lead the fight against climate change through energy transition. With the European Green Deal, the European Union is launching a new cycle of major changes that will stimulate economic growth, new business models and markets, greater employment, technological development and future-oriented innovations. He also noted that not all Member States have the same starting point in the transition to a low-carbon economy. And therefore, a fair and socially balanced transition is important in order to level the playing field for everyone. He welcomed the Just Transition Mechanism, which should mobilize 100 billion euros for the citizens and regions that will be affected the most by the transition to low-carbon energy. 

Croatian Parliament Deputy Speaker Željko Reiner stressed that Croatia recognizes the importance of the goals set in the Green Deal, many of which have already been integrated in the Croatian Energy Development Strategy until 2030 with a view to 2050 and the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan 2030. 

He also noted that Croatia is above the EU average in terms of the share of renewable energy sources, ranking among the countries with lowest CO2 emissions per capita. 

With 28%, Croatia is currently ranked first in the EU in terms of meeting energy needs from renewable sources, thereby exceeding the 20% target by 2020 by as much as 40%. 

He concluded that in its plans Croatia also took into account the economic and social aspects, including what concerns the citizens most, namely the costs. In this regard, he stressed that a special programme with measures tailored for households in energy poverty will be drawn up aimed at permanently reducing their costs and improving their living conditions.

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